Vinted | Avoiding Scams as a Preloved Buyer
From fake listings to dupes - what to look out for when buying preloved from my favourite app Vinted.
I bloody love Vinted. It's in my top 4 scrolls, amongst Insta, Substack and Pinterest - although also the most expensive! But seeing scams and dupes aplenty, boils my pee.
And as I plan to share a lot of preloved buying wisdom here, I almost needed this to be my first Vinted post - to equip everyone with scam-goggles, before setting you all off on your bargainous hunts.
Afterall, Vinted scammers are the thieves of preloved joy!
Just this morning Cas was mentioned how all his black, Nike joggers for PE, football and every other moment in between, are now too short thanks to his recent 1.2cm growth spurt. So, I hopped on Vinted and had 2 pairs for £5 within minutes - and because it’s late November, you bet they’ll be wrapped up and popped under the tree! Yes reader, his ankles will stay chilly for a little longer, like a Nike clad Little Match Girl.
But it was while on my search for said Nike joggers (the very particular ones with a zip at the ankle) that I saw the usual suspects in terms of dupes and scams. All glaringly obvious to my honed-over-too-many-years-of-scrolling-preloved-shiz eye, but perhaps not so discernible to those who’ve had better things to do with the last 40 years of their lives.
So, like any savvy content creator, I thought I’d turn it into a list of the very things to avoid and be wary of when shopping on Vinted…
What to look out for…
No reviews
Living with teen boys, I no longer believe anything is too obvious to point out. I’ve been pointing out where the dishwasher and laundry baskets are for years - and yet they still can’t seem to find them on their own!
So, although this one may be obvious, if the seller has 0 reviews; and for extra bonus points, no profile picture - then proceed with caution! If at all!